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53120 Gorron
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Dr. R.S. Sodhi, Managing Director of M/S Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited – AMUL -came to visit Serap India on April 13th.
The staff at SERAP India was delighted to receive him as he is the Managing Director of one of the top 10 dairy companies in the World ! Mr. Eric Boittin, CEO of Groupe SERAP was there as well for this exceptional event to welcome this special Guest !
Dr. Sodhi, who has rich experience in leading and developing cooperative sector within Indian dairy industry, gave valuable insights and looked fairly impressed by the production facilities. It was a great pleasure showing him the brand new plant, the products and the working methods as well.
It’s been an honour and a privilege to receive him in SERAP new world-class factory in India.
Dr. Sodhi's visit to SERAP India