245 route de Fougères
53120 Gorron
TEL. +33 (0)2 43 08 49 49
FAX +33 (0)2 43 08 66 19
SERAP INDIA, the subsidiary of SERAP Group for the manufacture and sale of milk coolers for India and emerging countries, was present at the Dairytech India 2018, International Exhibition on Dairy Products, Processing & Packaging Machinery and Allied Industries, which took place in Bangalore, from the 31st of August to the 02nd of September 2018.
SERAP INDIA took the opportunity to showcase its newly launched products to customers of South India.
Visitors discovered its range of open milk coolers with the FIRST.S 300L compact Bulk Milk Cooler. SERAP INDIA also exhibited a milk cans cooler with a capacity of 8 cans of 40L.
For more information contact SERAP INDIA