245 route de Fougères
53120 Gorron
TEL. +33 (0)2 43 08 49 49
FAX +33 (0)2 43 08 66 19
Once again, our sales team will be present at various professional exhibitions in France and abroad in order for them to make you discover our products, our know-how and innovations.
Pharmacosmetech – Chartres (France) – 15 -17 September, 2020
We will participate for the first time at the 2nd edition of Pharmacosmetech in Chartres located right in the middle of the ‘’Cosmetic Valley’’ area in France. This trade show is the main one for services, equipments and processes for the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemical and perfumery industries.
SPACE – Rennes (France) – 15 -18 September, 2020 - Cancelled
SPACE is dedicated to key actors of cattle, poultry, pig, rabbit, sheep and goat sectors. SPACE is an unmissable event for key actors of breeding industry.
Sommet de l’Élevage – Clermont-Ferrand (France) - 7 - 9 October, 2020 - Postponed to 5-8 October, 2021
Europe’s n°1 livestock show. Set up in the center of France, world cradle of the largest beef breeds, Sommet de l’Elevage is an exceptional showcase of French breeding.
Vinitech Sifel – Bordeaux (France) -1 - 3 December, 2020 - Cancelled
The international meeting place for professionals in the wine sector.
Eurotier – Hanover (Germany) – 2020 edition postponed to 9 - 12 February, 2021
EUROTIER is the N°1 world exhibition for animal production: this show is an unmissable event for the breeding industry.