245 route de Fougères
53120 Gorron
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On 18 and 19 January 2020, the SERAP Group had the honour of participating in the first major "Made in France" exhibition at the Elysée Palace. SERAP was selected to represent the Mayenne département by a jury who chose only 120 products from 1,750 nationwide applications.
So this was how a 2,500-litre farm milk cooler from the "FIRST. SE" range, produced in the Gorron factory in Mayenne, came to be proudly enthroned in the Elysée Palace gardens for these two days.
The exhibition was a huge success, and sold out. Over the two days, it welcomed 10,000 visitors eager to learn about French know-how and see the highly prestigious exhibition venue. The sunny weather contributed to the triumph of the show, which was laid out in the gardens, the main courtyard and the impressive reception rooms on the ground floor.
A real media showcase, this unprecedented event enabled the SERAP Group to promote its expertise to the general public, as well as the excellence of a family business founded in Mayenne in 1963. All this was relayed through a meeting with the French President and his ministers during the inauguration, and via local and national media and the social networks. Some of the employees involved in producing the cooler also took part in a report broadcast on French radio (France Bleu and France Inter).
On 19 January, Eric Boittin, CEO of the SERAP Group, was interviewed by Nathalie Schraen-Guirma, a TV journalist at France 2, about the history of SERAP, its development within and outside France, its innovation policy – especially regarding energy transition, with the future range of "Tank 2020" milk coolers, which will enable power savings of 80%, and its partnership with the Breton company OK WIND, which will power the cooler through a solar tracker installed in the farm.
The SERAP company will also have a fresh opportunity to vaunt its status as the world's leading milk cooler manufacturer. Like the other exhibitors at the Elysée Palace, it has been invited to show another cooler, this time at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, during the Industry Week being held from 30 March to 5 April 2020: something to make all its employees even prouder!
Photos : © Groupe SERAP; © Présidence de la République